
August 2023

I recommend Josh Ring of Blue Star Home Repairs LLC and his crew. They all did a great job on my new construction house. Everyone showed up and got the job done in timely manners.

Josh was very patient with me throughout the past year we worked together. There were a lot of big changes to our plans and he not only caught a lot of mistakes on our original designs architectural and engineering plans, but stayed with us and worked with us through a new plan. His prices were consistently open and fair and strictly formulated.

I have been highly involved in the process and will be doing all the finishing work (they got the house dried in). Josh, and everyone involved, did not treat me as if I was totally crazy and unknowledgeable, but instead I have learned a ton and was able to ask lots of questions as things went along. As a young female taking on a large project as such I expected rolled eyes and talking down to – but I didn’t feel that at all. And though they may have some jokingly bets on how much I call for help – they have all happily offered to help if (hopefully not when) I do.

The building crew of 1-2 men and 3 woman finished all of the framing, roofing and windows/doors in avo 10 working days time – and they didn’t cut corners.

And another plus, Josh is a county paramedic, so if anyone were to get hurt, you have a first responder!

–Dayna Guadagno, Sparta

We started the morning of Wednesday, July 5 with a concrete slab floor and a half height masonry back wall. By lunch time that day, the front wall and corners were standing in place.

Walls were fully framed and braced by lunch Thursday.

Wall framing was secured and exterior panels attached before quitting time Thursday. Window and door openings would be cut later.

Friday evening found the 40 foot long ridge beam set and stabilizing rafters in place. Most door and window openings were cut to provide easier access. Everything was safe and secure for the weekend.

Monday morning the remaining rafters were hoisted into place. They were secured into place before lunchtime.

After a full week Mother Nature turned a bit devilish. Once we started roofing, we were committed to finishing before the rain set in on us.

By lunchtime Tuesday July 18, shingles were in place, the house was wrapped in Tyvek, windows were installed and flashed and we awaited delivery of the French doors.

Thursday was clean up day. This is important to us – we don’t leave a site until we pick up after ourselves.

Final product is a dried-in home ready for the owners to finish. Even with a little trouble from Mother Nature, we built from the floor up in just about 2 weeks.